Mr. Craig J. Litteken became Chief of Regulatory Division in July 2007. Mr. Litteken is responsible for all Regulatory services provided throughout Mobile District.
Mr. Litteken began his career with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 1994 as a student park ranger at Carlyle Lake in St. Louis District. After graduation from SIUE he became a permanent park ranger at the Rivers Project Office in St. Louis District, and in October 2000 he became a Regulatory project manager with the St. Louis District Regulatory Branch. In May 2004 he transferred to the Kansas City District as the Missouri State Regulatory Program Manager.
He has also completed several temporary assignments including Regulatory Program Manager with USACE HQ Regulatory Community of Practice in Washington, Acting Operations Project Manager at the Trinity Regional Project in Ft. Worth District, Acting Assistant Chief of Operations in Mobile District, Recovery Field Office (RFO) Chief, Mobile District, in response to the 2011 Alabama Spring Tornados, and Acting Deputy Chief of Operations and Regulatory Division in USACE HQ, Washington.
Mr. Litteken holds a Bachelor of Science degree in biological sciences from Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville (SIUE), a Graduate Certificate in Tropical Biology and Conservation from University of Missouri - St. Louis, and a Master of Science degree in biology from University of Missouri - St. Louis. In addition, he is a Certified Project Management Professional.
In addition to numerous performance awards, Mr. Litteken has been awarded several Special Act Awards, the Commander's Award for Civilian Service, the Superior Civilian Service Award, and the South Atlantic Division Hero Award.