The Department of Army requires establishing a Special Emphasis Program (SEP) to ensure equal opportunity in hiring, training, advancement and treatment of women and minority employees. The program was established to assist agencies in assuring that equal opportunity is present in all aspects of employment and that affirmative action addresses under-representation.
The goals for the program is to eliminate discriminatory practices, to ensure targeted groups are appropriately represented throughout the workforce. The SEP managers implement Presidential Executive Orders and Federal personnel programs established by the Office of Personnel Management to work towards eliminating demographic group imbalances in targeted occupations.
Asian American/Pacific American Employment Programs (AA/PA)
Department of Defense Directive 1440.1 authorizes the establishment of the AA/PI Program as an integral part of the civilian equal employment opportunity program. Executive Order 13216 (amended E.O. 13125) to increase opportunity and improve the quality of life of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AA/PI) through increased participation in Federal programs where they may be underserved. The Executive Order establishes the President's AA/PI Advisory Commission and a Federal Interagency AA/PI Working Group.
Black Employment Program (BEP)
This program was strengthened through Executive Order 11478, which established the EEO Program. It is the policy of the Federal government to provide equal opportunity in employment to all individuals regardless of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, disability, or age. The Black SEP was established to increase the representation of African Americans throughout the workforce.
Federal Women's Program (FWP)
In 1967, Executive Order 11375 added gender to the list of prohibited discrimination such as race, color, religion, and national origin. In response to this, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) established the Federal Women's Program (FWP). In 1969, Executive Order 11478 integrated the FWP into the EEO Program and placed it under the direction of EEO for each agency. OPM regulations require that Federal agencies designate a FWP manager to advise the EEO officer on matters affecting the employment and advancement of women. This law also requires that Federal agencies allocate sufficient resources for their Federal Women's Programs.
Hispanic Employment Program
The Hispanic Employment Program (HEP) is an integral part of the Federal government-wide EEO Program under the authority of Executive Order 13171 (Hispanic Employment in the Federal Government of October 12, 2001). The goals of the HEP are to work toward enhancing employment opportunities for Hispanic employees and individuals seeking Federal employment, and to ensure Hispanic Americans are represented throughout the workforce at all grade levels and occupations.
Woman’s Equality Day
Each year, on August 26, our Nation celebrates Women’s Equality Day in commemoration of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution granting women the right to vote.
Native American/Alaskan Native (NA/AN) Employment Program
President George W. Bush reaffirmed the previous administration's Native American Program of Support for Tribal Colleges and Universities in Executive Order 13270. He reiterated the unique relationship between the United States and the Indian tribes and also acknowledged the special relationship between the United States and Alaskan Natives. President Bush also declared this Nation's commitment to opportunity extends to NA/ANs, and he expects this order will provide job training and other career-building programs for NA/ANs.
Program for Individuals with Disabilities
Executive Order 13078 established the National Task Force on Employment of Adults with Disabilities to reduce employment barriers. Executive Order 13164 promotes a Federal workplace that provides reasonable accommodation for employees and applicants with disabilities. Executive Order 13187 established the President's Disability Employment Partnership Board.
People with disabilities can be hired through the traditional competitive hiring process or, if they qualify, noncompetitively through the use of excepted service appointing authorities. Excepted service appointments for the disabled were developed to provide an opportunity for people with disabilities to circumvent the attitudinal barriers.