The Acquisitions Branch is responsible for the negotiation and acquisition of real estate interests required for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile District’s various military missions. In accomplishing this mission, the division purchases, leases and condemns various properties, executes deeds and any curative documents, coordinates acquisition of title evidence, closes and directs projects, leases land managed by the Corps, Army and Air Force.
The branch is also responsible for the real estate planning, preparation and execution of agreements between the U.S. and non-Federal entities, such as state and local governments between the U.S. and non-Federal entities, such as state and local governments and the interpretation of existing agreements.
The district also administers the leasing of property for all military recruiting offices and reserve center facilities within the Mobile District’s military boundaries. The Acquisitions Branch grants realty rights to others to use Corps, Army and Air Force real property to accomplish a variety of congressionally-authorized purposes. It grants permanent use with perpetual road easements to cross Government property and in the disposal of government land, buildings and timber.
The Real Estate Division provides support to various organizations within the Department of Defense including the U.S. Army, the Army Reserve, the Army National Guard, Air Force, Air Force Reserve, Air National Guard, and the Coast Guard. The Acquisitions Branch also manages property for the Defense Environmental Restoration Program (DERP) and the Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS).