The National Dredging Quality Management (DQM) Program is a Corps of Engineers-dredging industry partnership for automated dredging monitoring of Corps dredging projects.
Onboard sensors monitor dredging activities, operations and efficiency, and data is routed to the Support Center for data retrieval and storage. Districts may utilize Corps-provided software to prepare summary reports, plots, or spreadsheet compilations of dredge operations.
In addition to assisting dredge inspectors for monitoring performance, the data can be used to improve business practices, ensure environmental compliance, and provide dredging information and data to increase our understanding of dredging science and technology.
The mission of the National DQM Program is to provide the USACE dredging manager with a nationally standardized low cost remote monitoring and documentation system. This system provides the Corps with timely data access, multiple reporting formats, full technical support, including dredge certifications, data quality control, database management, and support for the DQM operating system. On board the dredge, sensors continually monitor dredge activities, operations, and efficiency. Information from these sensors is routed to the National DQM Support Center for data processing, storage and publishing. The DQM web-based tools can be utilized to view project operations, produce disposal plots and data export of dredge operations.