Mobile Harbor GRR, Design and Construction

In June 2014, the Alabama State Port Authority (ASPA) submitted a request to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to consider increasing the depth and width of the Mobile Harbor Channel.  Specifically, the request asked the Corps of Engineers to investigate the feasibility of taking the channel to authorized dimensions under Section 201 of the 1986 Water Resources Development Act (WRDA). 

Under the 1986 WRDA, the authorized dimensions for the majority of the channel were set at 55 ft. deep and 550 ft. wide.  The current dimensions of the majority of the channel are 45 ft. deep and 400 ft. wide.

The General Reevaluation Report (GRR) study began in late 2015 as a four-year, $7.8 million effort cost-shared with the ASPA.  The results of the study were documented in a GRR and released to the public in July 2019.  The recommendations provided in the study were approved by Major General Diana Holland, Commanding General of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, South Atlantic Division, and a Record of Decision was signed on September 6, 2019.

Mobile Harbor, Alabama, Deepening and Widening – Construction for the entire project is anticipated to occur over six construction phases with a target completion date of March 2025.  Plans, specifications, and other documentation associated with each construction phase will be added to the "Plans and Specifications" link on this page when available. Phases 1, 3, and 4 construction is complete.

Phase 1 construction consisted of deepening in the southernmost portion of the bar (entrance) channel. Phase 1 construction is complete.

Phase 2 construction will be implemented in two sub-phases.  Phase 2a is scheduled for award third quarter 2024.   Phase 2b was awarded May 2024.  The construction period of performance concludes February 2025.

Phase 3 began just north of the widening for a length of approximately 12 miles in the lower bay channel. Phase 3 construction is complete.

Phase 4 deepened the remainder of the lower bay channel and a portion of the upper bay channel.  Phase 4 construction is complete.

Phase 5 will deepen the upper bay channel to the turning basin.  Material will be beneficially used in the Relic Shell area in Mobile Bay.  Phase 5 was awarded January 2024. The construction period of performance concludes February 2025.

Phase 6 includes deepening the remainder of the upper bay channel and modifications to the turning basin.  Material is anticipated to be beneficially used in two shoreline protection projections and the Relic Shell area in Mobile Bay.  Phase 6 was awarded May 2024. The construction period of performance concludes March 2025.

Approved Plan and Schedule

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