Permit Modifications

Current permit holders of a Shoreline Use Permit can modify that permit at any time with written approval from the Allatoona Lake Project Management Office.  Modifications requested at a Five-Year Permit Renewal or during a Change of Ownership do not require an extra charge.  However modifications to permits outside of those timeframes will require a modification fee of $90 plus the pro-rated requested modification.

New plans must be submitted and approved for permit modifications through the Allatoona Lake Project Management Office before those modifications can be implemented.  Any modification to a permit without written approval will have to be removed from project lands and/or waters. Examples of common modifications include upgrading docks, electrical lines, water lines, improved steps, and under brushing.

If you are a current Shoreline Use Permit holder and need to modify your Permit, you will need to submit a Letter of Request defining what you would like to modify on your Permit and two sets of plans showing your modification to the Allatoona Lake Project Management Office. Be sure to include all information enclosed on Exhibit D of the Shoreline Management Plan. Templates for most modifications can be found Forms/Brochures/Templates.  

