News Stories

Allatoona Project Releases High Water, Carters Lake Receding

US Army Corps of Engineers - Mobile District
Published Feb. 21, 2020

MOBILE, Ala. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Mobile District at Allatoona Lake Project has begun releasing water through its dam spillway as of 3:00 p.m. EST on Feb. 21, 2020 due to high water levels at the reservoir.

In addition, USACE Mobile District’s water management efforts – along with reduced inflows from lighter rainfall – have helped the main reservoir's high water level recede at Carters Lake Project.

“Controlled water releases at Allatoona Lake are in synchronization with ongoing releases at Carters Lake,” said Lance D. Davis, public affairs specialist, USACE Mobile District. “We are conducting both releases within non-damaging, water management guidelines in respect to downriver concerns.”

The Allatoona Lake Project is releasing water through its spillway at approximately 1,800 cubic feet per second with an additional amount of approximately 7,500 cfs through the powerhouse.

“Although our water releases fall under safe, non-damaging guidelines, we encourage recreation area users to exercise caution while viewing water management operations at the dam,” said Davis. “To ensure safety, we ask everyone to always stay within marked areas.”

The Carters Lake Project continues releasing normal, high-flow water on the Coosawatte River through the Carters Reregulation Dam. Releases continue at approximately 5,000 cubic feet per second, with no significant impacts anticipated downstream.

“We will continue to monitor forecasts and predictions provided by the National Weather Service and adjust water releases from Allatoona and Carters Dams as conditions are determined by potential rainfall,” said Davis.

For the latest updates, call 251-690-2505 or visit the following pages:

USACE Mobile District Website: and click the water control manuals icon

USACE Mobile District Facebook:

USACE Allatoona Lake Facebook:

USACE Carters Lake Facebook:

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