Forest Heights Levee Overview

Forest Heights was established around 1966 by the National Council of Negro Women, in cooperation with the Department of Housing and Urban Development and supported by the Ford Foundation. It was one of the nation’s first integrated home ownership developments for low-income families. The name Forest Heights is a tribute to civil rights activist Dorothy Height, who was president of the National Council of Negro Women from 1947 until 1997.


Identified through the Mississippi Coastal Improvement Program for Hancock, Harrison, and Jackson Counties, Mississippi (MsCIP).

Authorized by Section 7002(4) of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRDA) of 2014, Public Law 113-121.

Proposed Project Elements:

•Raising 6,500 LF of existing levee crest to EL 18.5 FT NAVD88

•Concrete floodwall on the East

•Floodgate/closure structure

•Crossing Ramp on Ohio Avenue

•Detention pond for interior rainfall

•Pump station(s)

Site Map


•Hydraulic and Hydrologic Modeling (HEC-RAS 2D)

•Storm surge modeling (ADCIRC)

•Statistical/Uncertainty Modeling (HEC-SSP; HEC-FDA)

•H&H Design Standards and Principles (USACE, FEMA, FHWA, etc.)

Topographic Survey

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