Environmental Assessments

Draft Environmental Assessment - Bainbridge, GA

Published Nov. 19, 2013

Interested persons are hereby notified that the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Mobile District intends to update the master plan for Bainbridge Bypass Park in Bainbridge, Georgia. The recipient of this notice is requested specifically to review the proposed action as it may impact federal lands. We also ask your comment on any other potential impact.

DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED ACTION: The City of Bainbridge is proposing to build a walking trail parallel to the Flint River through City maintained parks leased from the USACE. To complete a 1.3 mile loop around the Boat Basin, an 830 linear feet branch trail will extend across the northeast side of the Boat Basin, connecting the proposed River Trail with the existing trail near the newly constructed mega-ramp site. The trail will be ten (10) feet wide and surfaced with asphalt cement pavement. For security, the trail will be lit with security lights. A post and cable barrier will be constructed along the side of the trail to prevent motorized vehicle usage of the walking trail.

The EA for this project is available for review at the USACE Mobile District webpage:

CORRESPONDENCE: Correspondence concerning this notice should refer to Proposed Riverwalk Walking Trail For The City Of Bainbridge, Decatur County, Georgia and should be directed to the Commander, U.S. Army Engineer District, Mobile, Post Office Box 2288, Mobile, Alabama 36628, Attention: CESAM-PD-EI (Mr. Matthew Horton) within 15 calendar days from the date of this notice. Mr. Matthew Horton may be contacted at telephone number (251) 694-4636 or e-mail address matthew.w.horton@usace.army.mil for additional information.

