US Army Corps of Engineers
Mobile District Website

Nationwide Permits

Nationwide Permits (NWP) authorize a category of activities throughout the United States, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, and are valid for an individual project only if the conditions of the appropriate permit type are met. After a review of the project, the Army Corps of Engineers issues a verification letter pursuant to the applicable NWP.

An integral part of the Corps' regulatory program is the concept of NWPs for minor activities. NWPs are activity-specific, and are designed to relieve some of the administrative burdens associated with permit processing for both the applicant and the federal government. Some activities authorized by NWPs require pre-construction notification to the District Engineer before commencing with the work. This notification requirement to the District Engineer is necessary to ensure that activities authorized by these NWPs have minimal individual and cumulative adverse impacts on the aquatic environment. Anyone not complying with the terms and conditions of a NWP may still receive authorization via a "standard permit," but the application must be individually evaluated and coordinated with third parties, including the federal and state resource agencies. Review of an application for a "standard permit" takes additional time to complete, as conflict resolution may be required.

In addition to the NWP general conditions, Division Engineers are authorized to add regional conditions specific to the needs and/or requirements of a particular region or state. Regional conditions are an important mechanism to ensure that impacts to the aquatic environment authorized by the NWPs are minimal, both individually and cumulatively.

NWPs can only be authorized for a five-year period, at which time they must be re-evaluated for their impacts on the aquatic environment. The current NWPs became effective on March 19, 2017.

2017 Nationwide Permits Final Decision Documents

Nationwide Permit 1. Aids to Navigation (Section 10)
Nationwide Permit 2. Structures in Artificial Canals (Section 10)
Nationwide Permit 3. Maintenance (Sections 10 and 404)
Nationwide Permit 4. Fish & Wildlife Harvesting, Enhancement, and Attraction Devices & Activities (Sections 10 and 404)
Nationwide Permit 5. Scientific Measurement Devices (Sections 10 and 404)
Nationwide Permit 6. Survey Activities (Sections 10 and 404)
Nationwide Permit 7. Outfall Structures and Associated Intake Structures (Sections 10 and 404)
Nationwide Permit 8. Oil and Gas Structures on the Outer Continental Shelf (Section 10)
Nationwide Permit 9. Structures in Fleeting and Anchorage Areas (Section 10)
Nationwide Permit 10. Mooring Buoys (Section 10)
Nationwide Permit 11. Temporary Recreational Structures (Section 10)
Nationwide Permit 12. Utility Line Activities (Sections 10 and 404)
Nationwide Permit 13. Bank Stabilization (Sections 10 and 404)
Nationwide Permit 14. Linear Transportation Projects (Sections 10 and 404)
Nationwide Permit 15. U.S. Coast Guard Approved Bridges (Section 404)
Nationwide Permit 16. Return Water from Upland Contained Disposal Areas (Section 404)
Nationwide Permit 17. Hydropower Projects (Section 404)
Nationwide Permit 18. Minor Discharges (Sections 10 and 404)
Nationwide Permit 19. Minor Dredging (Sections 10 and 404)
Nationwide Permit 20. Response Operations for Oil and Hazardous Substances (Sections 10 and 404)
Nationwide Permit 21. Surface Coal MiningActivities (Sections 10 and 404)
Nationwide Permit 22. Removal of Vessels (Sections 10 and 404)
Nationwide Permit 23. Approved Categorical Exclusions (Sections 10 and 404)
Nationwide Permit 24. Indian Tribe or State Administered Section 404 Programs (Section 10)
Nationwide Permit 25. Structural Discharges (Section 404)
Nationwide Permit 26. [Reserved]
Nationwide Permit 27. Aquatic Habitat Restoration, Establishment, and Enhancement Activities (Sections 10 and 404)
Nationwide Permit 28. Modifications of Existing Marinas (Section 10)
Nationwide Permit 29. Residential Developments (Sections 10 and 404)
Nationwide Permit 30. Moist Soil Management for Wildlife (Section 404)
Nationwide Permit 31. Maintenance of Existing Flood Control Facilities (Sections 10 and 404)
Nationwide Permit 32. Completed Enforcement Actions (Sections 10 and 404)
Nationwide Permit 33. Temporary Construction, Access, and Dewatering (Sections 10 and 404)
Nationwide Permit 34. Cranberry Production Activities (Section 404)
Nationwide Permit 35. Maintenance Dredging of Existing Basins (Section 10)
Nationwide Permit 36. Boat Ramps (Sections 10 and 404)
Nationwide Permit 37. Emergency Watershed Protection and Rehabilitation (Sections 10 and 404)
Nationwide Permit 38. Cleanup of Hazardous and Toxic Waste (Sections 10 and 404)
Nationwide Permit 39. Commercial and Institutional Developments (Sections 10 and 404)
Nationwide Permit 40. Agricultural Activities (Section 404)
Nationwide Permit 41. Reshaping Existing Drainage Ditches (Section 404)
Nationwide Permit 42. Recreational Facilities (Section 404)
Nationwide Permit 43. Stormwater Management Facilities (Section 404)
Nationwide Permit 44. Mining Activities (Sections 10 and 404)
Nationwide Permit 45. Repair of Uplands Damaged by Discrete Events (Sections 10 and 404)
Nationwide Permit 46. Discharges in Ditches (Section 404)
Nationwide Permit 47. [Reserved]
Nationwide Permit 48. Commercial Shellfish Aquaculture Activities (Sections 10 and 404)
Nationwide Permit 49. Coal Remining Activities (Sections 10 and 404)
Nationwide Permit 50. Underground Coal Mining Activities (Sections 10 and 404)
Nationwide Permit 51. Land-Based Renewable Energy Generation Facilities (Sections 10 and 404)
Nationwide Permit 52. Water-Based Renewable Energy Generation Pilot Projects (Sections 10 and 404)
Nationwide Permit 53.Removal of Low-Head Dams (Sections 10 and 404)
Nationwide Permit 54.Living Shorelines (Sections 10 and 404)